इतनी लंबी कभी नही थी.....
इतनी लंबी कभी नही थी ,अपनी ये जुदाई.....
बेचैनी तडपाए मुजे
बेचैनी तडपाए मुजे, काटें ये तनहाई....
उस पल जब तुजे दिल दिया....
उस पल जब तुजे दिल दिया, धेर बड़ा मैने था किया....
शायद नाथा पहले जुड़े,
तेरे संग बीते और कुछ दिन, और प्यार बड़ा तो दिया....
याद हैं वो हर लम्हा मुजे
याद हैं वो हर लम्हा मुजे,जो तूने ये एहसास दिया...
इश्क़ तेरे संग हैं मीटा,
वम की ज़हर, अब देके सज़ा, आँखें क्यूँ तू बंद किया???
कदम अकेले ना चले थे.....
कदम अकेले ना चले थे.....कैसे सफ़र ये चले मेरा....??
टूट पड़ी हूँ में तो आज,तेरे संग जिया हैं मेरा चला....
इतनी लंबी कभी नही थी.....
इतनी लंबी कभी नही थी अपनी ये जुदाई.....
बेचैनी तडपाए मूज़े
बेचैनी तडपाए मूज़े, कांटें ये तनहाई....
that muted yet strong power, always striving to explode either as thoughts or in a poetic frame
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
हिस्सा प्यार का....
Hi Frenz....
again am with one more pice of my poetry ....
which again has pain in it....
now dont havev questions as to why i am all in such a patho mood....
well, my poems dont go along just with my emotions or feelings :D
हर गली, हर राह में बातें तेरे मेरे हैं ,
पलकों के पनघट पे यादें सुनहरे हैं !
अब तक आँखों में झलका था प्यार ...
बिन बताये बह गया आँखों के पार !
again am with one more pice of my poetry ....
which again has pain in it....
now dont havev questions as to why i am all in such a patho mood....
well, my poems dont go along just with my emotions or feelings :D
हर गली, हर राह में बातें तेरे मेरे हैं ,
पलकों के पनघट पे यादें सुनहरे हैं !
अब तक आँखों में झलका था प्यार ...
बिन बताये बह गया आँखों के पार !
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
कल, आज कल.......
I dont think any explaination is needed for this... the words says it all.....
कल तलक़ आँखों में था प्यार हरा
आज कल आँसू हैं प्यालों में भरा
आपके होन्ट थे चूमे जिसको,
आज हैं आँसू चूमे इन गालों को
लेके जिस प्यार को, जगाया था रातों को
दिल जले हम हैं चले डूंड उन वादों को
एक कदम चल ना सके थे हम सूनी राहों में
आज उसीको पार चले खोए अपने सवालों में
प्यार से ज़्यादा क्या था मंज़िल कोई,
जिसके लिए दे कर गये यूँ तन्हाई....
कल तलक़ आँखों में था प्यार हरा
आज कल आँसू हैं प्यालों में भरा
आपके होन्ट थे चूमे जिसको,
आज हैं आँसू चूमे इन गालों को
लेके जिस प्यार को, जगाया था रातों को
दिल जले हम हैं चले डूंड उन वादों को
एक कदम चल ना सके थे हम सूनी राहों में
आज उसीको पार चले खोए अपने सवालों में
प्यार से ज़्यादा क्या था मंज़िल कोई,
जिसके लिए दे कर गये यूँ तन्हाई....
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
wanna fly the kite...

This article was written on a winter morning and hence refernce to teh blore winter :) Just in case u feel, that am crazy to imagine Blore being cool in this summer ;)
Here we go....
The day was as perfect as always… Morning in Bangalore s too gud in winter… with the mist covered everywhere….
As usual my dream starts when I am sitting alone in the office cab, next to the window….
I wonder how my imaginations and thoughts moved towards a flying kite.
I could imagine the kites in different colors and shapes…( I think this was the effect of seeing a clip about kite festival in Mangalore)
The very thought of flying a kite made me feel light, as if I was flying high….
It brought in the memories of my childhood, when we used to wait for the exams to get over.
Once the exams finish, the last day would be as if we completed some Ashwamedha.
We would collect all our class notebooks and run to the terrace.
The first book to be torn was always Math, not because it was tough, but mostly because of my brother’s math teacher whom he hated the most in the school.
We would have the wicked smile as we tore each leaf of the notebook and made a paper rocket out of it and flew it….
I think we were good engineers in childhood than are we now, with little or no bugs in our engineering (of rockets, book binding techniques and many such things).
And the neighbors were with all curses for us for bombarding their terraces with papers.” Why do these monsters get holidays?” was the usual words we used to get which hardly mattered for us.
Kite flying would be after launching the rockets, when all the papers of the notebooks would be exhausted and the newspapers are adorned in our hands.
Running around in the street with newspaper, sticks , thread and gum to make a very good kite. And usually there existed a good competition between us to attach the longest tail to our kite.
Once the kites were ready we again would run to the terrace to fly it high…
Each one wanted his/hers to be the highest to fly and be proud of their kite….
It was such a fun to be together and spend our time in the creative and fun filled work.
As soon as I got this thought, I shot a mail to all my old frenz to gather again and fly the kite…
Those who were in town and who were not busy joined me and tried to fly the kite…
I must say that I had almost forgotten the art of flying it and every time was holding the kite in hand and running around the terrace to make it fly a little so that then I could get hold of the art.
But the wind was also playing hard game with us..
Then came our hero Charan and thought us the knack of how to make it fly vertically high, to manage it when the wind blows with force…
We enjoyed like the kids for the whole evening and what if we can’t go to our childhood, we have the same friends still around us who can recreate the same happiness again for us…
Isn’t it???
And yes I must say, this time I had to struggle a lot to find a kite in the shops….
Each one threw a weird look when asked for it…. As if I asked for some narcotics….
Well if happiness is what I am addicted to and sounds crazy, I shall be that….
What say?
wanna fly the kite...
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Visit to Himavad Gopalaswamy betta….. Treasure hidden….!!
After a long discussion over which places to be visited we stuck to Coorg and Himavad gopalaswamy betta (hills) as our destination point for a two day trip. Waiting eagerly for the Friday to strike 4 PM every one of us sat in front of the comp faking busy at work. Knowing that the Manager was in meeting, we decided to come out of our cubicle by 4.15 pm, and sent a message to him saying that we intended to inform him but he was in meeting. As planned, we stayed back in Nanjanagudu in a lodge that night, very tired and weary… yes just after the first 6 hrs.Since all the rest were from other states or knew less about places of Karnataka, I played the role of guide and ordered everyone to be ready before 4.30 in the morning to leave to gopalaswamy hills otherwise which, we would miss the beauty of the place. We spoke a lil on the way to hill, as many were drowsy and still in sleepy mood. When the tempo traveler started ascending up the hill we moved towards the window to see the scenery. I got a little scared for suggesting this place as one of the beautiful place as I saw nothing very great except for ups and downs of the hills, which you can find in every other place. We reached the hill top and everyone became silent seeing that it looked nothing great All the eyes turned towards me as if asking me “Is this all?” Since it was my first visit too I felt very sad that the view looked nothing great. I ran towards the temple to see if anything s there…. To the left of the temple was a hidden treasure of beauty which thrilled the eyes and filled heart with ecstasy. I came running to the rest to stop them from clicking the boring photos of the other side of the hill and cried out to them to see on across the temple. We climbed up the hill and went toward the hills as temple was still closed. I have seen many mountain ranges, but this one stood different in the way it looked. Not too steep or not too low, a range of hills one after the other which invited to climb up each of it. As we stood their awestruck, we saw the mist just raising from the hills and moving towards the temple and covering it. The lush green grass covered hills invited us to sit, roll, dance and sleep on it. The silence which made us listen the chimes of wind, the fresh smell, the distant view of two deer playing and the temple standing alone there, as if guarding the pristine beauty all made me and of course everyone feel we were somewhere next to heaven. We had lots of photos session and the view was a feast for the eyes. Never miss a chance to sit behind the small rocks there and to speak to your inner” self” whom you can hardly do in your busy routine life. Checkout the video to gift Ur eyes a beauty worth watching Location: In Chamarajnagar district, Gundlupet taluk. 10 kms before Bandipur Time from Bangalore: 3 hrs to Mysore >max of 1 hr towards Nanjanagudu > max of 1 hr towards the betta. Please make sure that you don’t carry any eatables/packed food/drinks and dirty the place cos I would like to see it the same way the next time I take someone else there or suggest the place to any Cheers, Soumya
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Does every dog have its day

Last evening as always, I came home tired and asked mom to get me something to eat.
I sat relaxing on my sofa and waited impatiently as to why mom didnt come with a plate, but heard her scared voice which echoed in my ears.
She called me and showed the fire which was caught by the bamboo bush which is behind our house.
This was an annoying bush because of which the thieves runied our night sleep and though shocked for a moment, mom told "To hell with it... let it burn up and be gone..."
I somehow didnt like the idea and thought of calling the watchman.. and try extinguishing the fire..
But as a caring mother, she didnt want me to go near the fire.
Later she realised that a street dog had thought that bush as teh safe place for its puppies and placed all her 5 cute little puppies in the bush.
She herself then ran towards the watchman while I and my neighbors gathered buckets of water and started our job to save them all..
By then we could here the painful voice of a puppy which was trying to escape from the swirl of smoke and fire.
We had no idea whether it was totally burnt or how many were alive as it was night.
As we continued the task with a torch lit, we finally found that one puppy seemd half burnt and we put it on a gunny bag...
Its pain was unbearable and more pityful was the situation when I saw that it had not yet opened its eyes to see this world.
But only the painful screams/barking ( I dont wanna call it barking though) told how it felt....
We put a wet cloth around it to cool it down..
This was the first time I saw something live burned up like charcoal..
Its tail looked like a dead stick and the fur completely powdered giving out the carbon smell.
My neighbor gave a lil milk in a cup and I dipped my finger in it and tried to chek if it could intake anything.So kept my finger in its mouth..
It held my finger so tight as if it ahd someone to whom it could express its sorrow...Or may be I felt so...
after sometime its mother came and changed the location for all the puppies...
In the morning,I went to that place to check if I could see any of them but may be its mom took them all to some better place.
But it left me with many questions on my mind...
We the humans have landed everywhere, leaving no place for anything else.
Dont the other creatures have any rights to leave on this earth safely?
Also one more thought which came to me after seeing its pain is....
There are somany laawaris ( orphans) who are not cared by any and their life is not valued by any...
New born babies are thrown out in dustbins,gutters...
Women are burnt up for dowry.....
People are killed in wars,burglary,naxalite acts....
But just a thought of a knife or a bullet entering my body gives me chill on the spine....
Have you ever tried imagining things like this.....
And facing a person or a life encountering this act is much more painful....
A small burn while cooking at home itself gives out so much of pain and I sometimes scream and cry... and I wonder how could have such a puny thing suffered it...
I dont know whether to pray god for it to be alive or ...... for the pain it has undergone and it might have to undergo in future if alive....
wat do you say...???
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Was that your smile
Was that your smile??
Oh, I thought it was a distant shine.....
I saw it last, when you held me tight
and kissed my lips,before our petty fight.
Was that.... your smile?
Was that, your smile??
Oh i thought it to be distant shine...
I slapped your cheek, and laughed aloud
your gleaming eyes ,sent me silent vibes...
Brushing my hair,you drew me close
A lovely life, together we chose....
My cribbing so fake,you know it too...
and love it a lot,which I can... spot.....
My stupidity or craziness,
whatever it is , you chuckle and caress....
Was that your smile??
Today or tomorrow,forever you are mine....
Was that.... your smile????
Oh, I thought it was a distant shine.....
I saw it last, when you held me tight
and kissed my lips,before our petty fight.
Was that.... your smile?
Was that, your smile??
Oh i thought it to be distant shine...
I slapped your cheek, and laughed aloud
your gleaming eyes ,sent me silent vibes...
Brushing my hair,you drew me close
A lovely life, together we chose....
My cribbing so fake,you know it too...
and love it a lot,which I can... spot.....
My stupidity or craziness,
whatever it is , you chuckle and caress....
Was that your smile??
Today or tomorrow,forever you are mine....
Was that.... your smile????
ಹುಸಿ ಮುನಿಸೆ,ನಿಜ ಮುನಿಸೆ?
ಕೋಪಿಸಿಕೊಂಡ ಹೆಂಡತಿಯನ್ನು ರಮಿಸುವ ಪತಿಯ ಮಾತುಗಳಿವು.... :)
ಹುಸಿ ಮುನಿಸೆ,ನಿಜ ಮುನಿಸೆ?
ತರವಲ್ಲ ಬಿಡು ಗೆಳತಿ...
ನನ್ನ ದೂರ ತಳ್ಳೋ ಮನಸೇ?
ನಗೆ ತೊರೆದ ನಿನ್ನ ಮೊಗದಿ ....
ಚಂದಿರ ಬಂದಾಯ್ತು,ತೆಂಗಿನ ಮೇಲೆ
ಸರಸರನೆ ತೊಡಿಸೆ ತೋಳಿನ ಮಾಲೆ...
ಎದೆ ಬಡಿತ ಮೇಲೇರಿ,ಸೊಕಲು ನಿನ್ನ ಜುಮುಕಿ,
ಎಳೆಎಳೆಯಾಯ್ತು ಮನಸಿನಾ ಗಮಕಿ....
ಈ ಮೌನವ ಇನ್ದಿಲ್ಲೆ ಮುಗಿಸೇ,
ಹಾಡೊಂದು ಮೊಳಗಿದೆ ಈ ಮನದಿ
ಕೆಂಪಾದ ತುಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ,ವೀಳ್ಯ ಕೆಂಪು
ದುರ್ಗಿಯ ಕ್ಷಣ ಮರೆತು, ತಾರೆಯ ತಂಪು
ಹೊದಿಸಲೆ ನಿಂಗೆ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯ ಚಾದರ
ಎಣಿಸಿ ಪೋಣಿಸಲೇ ಮುತ್ತು ಸಾವಿರ
ಹುಸಿ ಮುನಿಸೆ,ನಿಜ ಮುನಿಸೆ?
ತರವಲ್ಲ ಬಿಡು ಗೆಳತಿ...
ಹುಸಿ ಮುನಿಸೆ,ನಿಜ ಮುನಿಸೆ?
ತರವಲ್ಲ ಬಿಡು ಗೆಳತಿ...
ನನ್ನ ದೂರ ತಳ್ಳೋ ಮನಸೇ?
ನಗೆ ತೊರೆದ ನಿನ್ನ ಮೊಗದಿ ....
ಚಂದಿರ ಬಂದಾಯ್ತು,ತೆಂಗಿನ ಮೇಲೆ
ಸರಸರನೆ ತೊಡಿಸೆ ತೋಳಿನ ಮಾಲೆ...
ಎದೆ ಬಡಿತ ಮೇಲೇರಿ,ಸೊಕಲು ನಿನ್ನ ಜುಮುಕಿ,
ಎಳೆಎಳೆಯಾಯ್ತು ಮನಸಿನಾ ಗಮಕಿ....
ಈ ಮೌನವ ಇನ್ದಿಲ್ಲೆ ಮುಗಿಸೇ,
ಹಾಡೊಂದು ಮೊಳಗಿದೆ ಈ ಮನದಿ
ಕೆಂಪಾದ ತುಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ,ವೀಳ್ಯ ಕೆಂಪು
ದುರ್ಗಿಯ ಕ್ಷಣ ಮರೆತು, ತಾರೆಯ ತಂಪು
ಹೊದಿಸಲೆ ನಿಂಗೆ ಪ್ರೀತಿಯ ಚಾದರ
ಎಣಿಸಿ ಪೋಣಿಸಲೇ ಮುತ್ತು ಸಾವಿರ
ಹುಸಿ ಮುನಿಸೆ,ನಿಜ ಮುನಿಸೆ?
ತರವಲ್ಲ ಬಿಡು ಗೆಳತಿ...
Monday, February 11, 2008

चंदा रे,चंदा रे
दे दे जवाब मेरी
खोया कहाँ ,ढूड़ना हैं,
प्यारा सा बचपन मेरी ...
जब थी मैं छोटी,
मा बनाती थी मेरी छोटी,
खेल खेल में बालों में माटी,
हाथ धोए बिन खाई थी रोटी...
जो कराई थी गुडियों की शादिया,
गवा थे जिसके , कलियाँ और वादियाँ ,
बीत गये यूँ ही नज़ाने कितने सदिया,
वो सारे हँसी ,बाते,गुदगुदियाँ.....
घर - घर खेलना और छुपा चुप्पी,
रातों भर की दोस्तों से गप्पी...
बड़ों के लिए डाँट और जप्पी...
वो सारे यादें, ताज़े दिल में छपी
यहीं तो हैं खुद्रत की कल्पना
मैं दू मेरे नन्हे को यह सारे सपना,
दूंड़ु उसकी बचपन में बीता ये बचपना
रात छत पे आके तूने यहीं कहाना???
चंदा रे,चंदा रे
दे दे जवाब मेरे.....
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Voices in my head
I am never alone Those days have gone long There are voices, there are voices… There are voicessssss up - when I close my eyes ...
Well, It had been quite a long time since I came back with an exotic story/experience to tell you all.... I was very frustrated de...
After a long discussion over which places to be visited we stuck to Coorg and Himavad gopalaswamy betta (hills) as our destination point f...
Ever imagined how it would be to daily get out of the house and have a conversation with the nature and how the absence of the moon could ...