When we began the trip, though Yellowstone seemed like the highlight, it was Grand Teton which blew my mind with it's strength, beauty, might and serenity.... words fail to explain the bliss I enjoyed being there.
I was bursting with such ecstasy, may be because this was my first ever real hiking in the wild with no big groups to chat with but just be one with nature (my highest climb so far!)
We set off to reach Solitude lake but the timing of this unplanned hike didn't let us reach there but we did cross the Cascade Canyons and a bit higher up from there.
When I stood there, in a feeling of "oneness" :
"That moment when you are one with nature, you are in awe about the mountains surrounding you....
When you realize it is no one else but you, surrounded by mountains, with those gracefully falling shimmering water falls - like a bride's veil in it's purest white form....
That moment when words fail and soul bows in gratitude .... and when your eyes try to reflect the inner happiness, trying to capture every possible view of the valley, the chit chatty stream, those hustling leaves as if in a symphony.....
And, and those dark clouds hovering from behind those huge guarding, dignified mountains , as if watching over you in their fortress, waiting for you to make one wrong move - to just burst over you and wash your existence off......"
Since we camped looking over these mountains, I had an opportunity to see the change at dusk:
"Summer grass,
with a touch of gold -
from the setting sun.....
borrowed swag from the cool breeze...
trying to entice those meditative peak,
the moon rises, blushing from behind the dusky clouds"