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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Are you financing for your and your loved ones murder?

I got myself into one of the Leadership forum where we have committed ourselves to reading a book and coming back to discuss on this topic every week for an hour. Although it cuts into my physical workout time, I must admit, it is helping me strain my brain cells much more than I would generally do in the areas other than Leadership. It is amazing how our brain starts to think of parallels when you put together many minds to think on same topic, bringing out an altogether different perspective which would have lacked in a singular thinking.

I wrote this preface because what I am going to write next just crossed my mind while we were discussing on the globalization of information, branding, ethics and legality in relationship to responsibilities of Leadership and the success of a company. We discussed on how several companies compromised on moral/ethical  grounds and still are making money even after pushing us and our families to deathbed. Sure, social media and information at hand did make some noise against these companies for a while, but did we completely succeed in curbing their win or even their existence? Did we, with all the technology and information at hand still make them learn a lesson or impart that to any other firms on the other side,  that it is high time they respect and value environment, culture, tradition which are all related in the well being of the human life?

It is the collective mass who can teach a lesson or two to these mass production companies who thrive by affecting the world we live in, yet create the brand for themselves by advertising themselves on things we eat, apply, wear and follow.
It is a complex world and I understand that there is no easy way out of this branded world, but would it be possible for us to:

  • dig a bit about their contribution towards the society, their controversial litigation and recalls  (ex: Look up the internet to know about Johnson and Johnson
  • When you do come across a fraudulent company or the company which is ethically compromised, look up to see what other brand names do they go with for other products and do you really want to be the one helping them make profit while they still slowly kill your family with small doses of poison in your food (Ex: Maggie Noodles is found to have traces of lead and they accepted it recently after going on campaigns in between stating it is still safe to eat noodles! Nestle has many other products and do you want to support it after knowing one of your family member got admitted for a serious health issue? )
  • We jump on our toes to google and look up the medicines doctor prescribe us and doubt them (sometimes fair enough!), but how much are we doing the same in relation to all the other cosmetic products we buy and use on regular basis. Would you let one of your pet puppy/kitten/rabbit undergo the animal testing done and see them suffer?
  • Would you put plastic and all the microfiber into your beautiful aquarium  after using the straws or whatever after you have used it?  That is exactly what is happening to aquatic animals in the open sea and oceans
  • Would you cheer on to anyone who eve teases a woman in your life or differentiates one of your friend based on how they look, where they come from or any stereotypes? 

Is your answer is no, then stand in front of the mirror when you get ready and check on all those branded items you are wearing/using and ask yourself if you would really like to campaign and be proud of the brand you are representing through that. 
Ask yourself, if you are slowly and silently paying remotely to one of the above said concerning issues.

These are only few of the many questions and many problems....

This is something which has been on my mind for a very long time but dilly dallied on whether to blog or not, but I went with my gut today. While it is not easy to get away from the lifestyle we have, we still have a choice to make and to reduce the evil one step at a time and give a message to firms like these to really invest in our future. (Most of us work in multinational companies and use products from different firms. looking up those products and asking right questions to your firm on the endorsements they are doing toward any of the wrong doers , go a long way in hurting the business for them!) 
Don't let the brands define you, define your own brand with what you believe in! 

(Sometimes, when I see people all I see is invisible big bubble around them screaming out the  "brands"  top to bottom. Well, quality is important but not the obsession on any of the brands.... )

PS: I used Nestle and Johnson & Johnson reference as this is fresh on people's mind and if you look up many other companies, you see many such occurrences.  

1 comment:

Shilpa B K said...

Cant agree more!! A very serious topic and each and every individual must think about it and act on it in what ever simple way he/she can.
What you have briefed here is just the tip of an iceberg. If you start digging, you find a whole lot of things which have become a part of our so called "lifestyle". Where in, we were not even aware of or used to any of these products / brands a few years ago. Blame it on modernization, globalization, best of both worlds, marketing, advertising or whatever, we are doing more harm than good to both ourselves (including the future generation) and the planet.
The only solution to this is to go the natural way closer to mother Earth, ask yourself about what your grandparents did or used to eat, apply, wear and follow, question if its self sustainable or at the cost of harming the environment or any other life on the planet, adopt sustainable living choices and leave behind a better place.

Voices in my head

I am never alone Those days have gone long There are voices, there are voices… There are voicessssss up - when I close my eyes ...